Saturday 1 October 2011

Adult Education - You Can Make a Difference

Getting an education does not depend on your age. Whether you are fifty or sixty years old, you can still get your education and that does not matter at all. Adult education is a perfect solution for you who might have never been getting a chance at younger ages or could not take the chance when you had it for many reasons.

A lot of people do not think much of adult education or they feel embarrass going to school at higher age and rather doing nothing than making a difference for their lives but I am sure that is not you. You know what is good for you and I am sure you will have enough courage to take it on and achieve your dream.

My neighbor became a professor when he was 53 years old. For all his life, he was working at an engineer and always regretted it. One day, he decided to make a change and came back to school to pursue his dream. He got it. It is just simple like that. If you seek it, you will find it. Age can never hold anybody back.

The only thing that holds people back is their own minds.

If you keep on waiting and hoping for a miracle that could change your current then I will guarantee that never going to happen. Time never waits for anyone, it brings age with it. You have a dream, pursue it, take action now and grab your education. You can make a difference. That is for sure.

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Education - How Important is Your Education For Jobs?

Honestly, this is a tough question to answer. Everyone has had this same question run through their minds, always wondering if the school they went to was good enough for their first job. The answer to this question has to do with how hard to pursue your goals. How bad do you want it? These are important aspect to whether or not you will get that first high paying career right out of college.The best way to secure a well paying job right out of college is simply by going to the best possible school you can get into. Think about this one. Schools are different, whether you like it or not. And Harvard University is definitely better than Sacramento State. If you are very smart, and not very outgoing at all, then you will want to be the once at Harvard. This is because when applying for a job somewhere, you must remember that you are not the only one going for that same position. Hundreds, maybe thousands of other student are applying for the same job. Now, put yourself in the employers shoes. Would you interview all of them? No! You would simply go through and pick the ones you think have the most potential. And, unfortunately, goodbye Mr. Sacramento State...Stanford and Harvard looked much better. So you need to go to the best possible school you can go to if you are not outgoing. Because employers will not even give you a chance if you have not even met them before.

Now, all this talk about being outgoing...what does it mean? It's simple. If you are one of those people who talks to everyone constantly or has no problem asking questions, introduce yourself to some of the top management within the company which you want to work. Now I know this sounds a little frightening at first, but honestly, they know that too! And to them, this is very impressive. Tell them you are very interested in working with the company and why. Make sure you know your stuff.

Both of these are essential when looking for a job, and, if you have both, you're golden! Bottom line is...go to the best school you can go to, and be outgoing. If you don't do one, then do the other. Something needs to make you stand out.

Video Game Education For the Homeschooler

I have previously discussed homeschool software or software that targets children and somehow related to learning. This time i will discuss something different that equally relates to the idea of unschooling. You want your child to learn and you want your child to have fun. You also want your child to interact with other children and be familiar with the cutting edge technology that today has to offer.It has been shown that children who play video games have better hand eye coordination, higher reading skills, are more adept at math, and are more familiar with technology. The best part is that this is all a byproduct of your child having fun and doing something that they like to do. I am not going to make the jump to think that all children like video games because I know they don't but as the success of video game consoles continues to rise I think it is true that many children do enjoy video games.

Kids can interact with each other if they are playing together or they can interact online if they are not together. Kids can make friends in other states and countries and feel a sense of community. And all the while they are learning. Maybe not in the way that their parents did but in the way of the future.

Nasa and all airlines use sophisticated simulators to train pilots, many of these software systems are not that much different from the most sophisticated simulators of yesteryear. In my opinion if NASA trust software to get its astronauts to the moon and back I can trust it to teach my kid a thing or two. Along the way I will earn some major goodie points with my kids for letting them do something they enjoy.

A word of caution. Video games can be addictive and expensive and you must always keep a close eye on children's online activity but with some close monitoring and structure you can work games into the day of a homeschooler. Use them to wake a kid up, get the blood flowing, as a reward, as a break from a rigorous day, something to change the pace, as a break for yourself.

Homeschooling is meant to bring new opportunities to the class room so take full advantage of this opportunity. Resist the urge to do things as they have always been done and take a chance at doing something different. The numerous types of homeschool software offer countless opportunities for the class room.

Online Education For Career Enhancement

 Have you ever missed a golden opportunity in the past to obtain a degree of your choice? Are you busy with your work schedule and never find time to pursue your dream education? You need not worry as the time has come for you to reap the fruits of technology. There are many more options available in this internet era to complete courses that are offered with better future prospects. You can enhance your skills and knowledge in your domain through online courses and programs.

The boom in various industries and sectors offer umpteen numbers of opportunities for the employees to advance in their career. Statistics reveal that most of the industries will grow by over 30% between now and 2015 which will offer space for more number of employees. There will be a huge demand for skilled employees in all these sectors and companies are ready to offer higher salary hikes and promotions to retain their talents. It has become important for the employees to continuously upgrade their knowledge and hone their skills in order to stay competitive. You can easily shape your future career by acquiring necessary skills that are highly in demand.

You need to do lots of home work in order to choose the right kind of university or college along with the courses offered. The internet can be of great help to search for reputed institutions and to get enrolled in such courses. All these years of work experience should help you to decide the right kind of course. Proper vision and a careful analysis about the future work life is important to have better understanding. It is a good idea to take advantage of the technology to realize your dreams.


American Mothers Can Now Finish Their Education For Free!

Those single American mothers who are looking for means to finish their college or university education have several methods that are available to them to do so. One is to work full time and save up for it and then apply, go into debt for it or apply for a government grant. The recent change in the American government has brought some changes to certain grants that are available for its citizens. That is where Obama's Scholarship for Mothers comes in effect, raising the hopes of many single mothers who have not had the opportunity to finish their college degree or get their university diploma.Single mothers who wish to go back to school can apply for a tax-free grant of up to nine thousand dollars for books and tuition. This raises the hopes for many single mothers and their children with the prospect of a higher education and a better job in the future. More often than not single mothers have taken on menial jobs that pay very little and literally sap all their energy for just that small sum of money.

With Obama's Scholarship for Mother Plan many are hoping to leave jobs and predicaments that they normally wouldn't have put themselves into if they had a higher education and better paying jobs. The future is looking brighter for mothers that are in the lowest income bracket in the nation and also for their children as they will understand the importance of gaining a higher education too along with their moms.

Online Education for Adult Learners

Today many working adults are returning to school, seeking to secure some type of certification or a college degree. Many of these adult learners have children at home that need their attention and because of their hectic schedule can't attend traditional classroom settings. Yet the need and desire to attain higher education is a must for these working adults in order to provide a better living for their families and themselves. In need of higher education,but no time for traditional classroom setting, then maybe online education is your solution? But let's be realistic, as a working adult, online schooling can be very challenging and one must be highly organized and self motivated to succeed in the online learning environment.

Most online schools will administer a series of questions to see if the online learning environment is right for the potential student. It's very important that you are totally honest with yourself when considering enrolling for online classes, especially if you've been away out of school for some time. The need to improve your lifestyle can sometimes cloud your judgment, so make sure your self evaluation is thorough, often times the need to earn a better living can cause one to make an irrational decision. Let's face it, enrolling in an institution of higher learning can be one of the most rewarding decisions you could ever make, but please understand you are signing a legally binding agreement to satisfactorily complete each course in an allotted amount of time, so make completely sure everything in your personal life is somewhat in order so that you can balance each day with proper time management. There are many success stories of adult learners completing college or technical schools, but there are also the working adults who didn't complete their endeavors, signed legally binding agreements and now are left with an outstanding balance owed to a technical school or college and have nothing to show for it all because of good intentions, without a realistic approach. What is your reason for wanting to seek a degree or certification?

Self evaluation: These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself and be totally honest with yourself concerning your motives for wanting to attend college or technical school.

  1. Is your need for a technical certification or a college degree something you have desired for quite some time? Y/N
  2. Do you feel unfulfilled without a college degree or technical certification? Y/N
  3. Is earning more money your motive for enrolling in school? Y/N
  4. Do you desire a degree because a sibling, spouse, friend or fellow worker has a degree or certification? Y/N
  5. Do you imagine yourself away from your present job in some great administrative or managerial position upon your graduation from college of technical school? Y/N
  6. Have you been preparing yourself for your return to school, mentally physically and schedule wise? Y/N
  7. Finally, is the online learning environment right for you? Maybe you should consider the traditional classroom setting instead?

Self Evaluation: These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself and be totally honest with yourself concerning your motives for wanting to attend college or technical school. If you answered yes to question number 1, that's great, having had a strong desire to obtain your higher education is definitely one of the best reasons for starting the journey to attain a degree or certification. There's no need to be apprehensive if your desire is strong enough; desire coupled with the right school can spell success and lead to a better future for you, and if you have children, attaining a higher education will definitely be a good influence on their decisions in their own lives to follow in your footsteps. One of the main reasons most adults go back to school, is to fulfill their destiny. If you feel that you are not complete without your degree then go for it. Of course making more money is probably the single most motive for most working adults returning to school, but remember the old saying, "Money can't buy you happiness, but it sure can ease the pain while you search for happiness." Seriously though, most graduates can tell you that getting the amount of money you feel your worth in the work place can take time to achieve. Experience is what you get paid for, of course the degree will afford you the opportunity to earn more money, but you're the only one who can activate your potential for earning the amount of money you believe your worth. So don't allow money to be your only motivation, but rather choose to do something you've always wanted to do, so that you will excel in your field even if the amount of salary is not up to par of your expectations at first.

Focus on being the best you can be in school, go that extra mile to learn as much as you can, look to intern at a company while in school if possible. If your motive for attending college or technical school is to impress family members or friends then I would encourage you to seriously reconsider enrolling until you can reassess your reasons for going back to school. Online classes can be very demanding at times, especially for adult learners, your motives for attending school will play a key part in your success. Rather than seeking to impress others, let your motivation be based on a humanitarian reason, such as wanting to help others with the skills and knowledge you will attain. It's ok to imagine ourself in a great position after graduation, but be realistic, as an online adult student; you will need the discipline to say no to family members and friends when it's time to study.

The best positions are usually very demanding, make sure before you choose a field of study that you are academically aware of what is required of you to graduate. Are you good at math, do you read books in your spare time or do you spend more time in front of the television? Before I enrolled in my first online classes I spent some time refreshing myself on different subjects. I purchased some affordable training software and practiced tutorials on typing, math, and Microsoft word, because these are just some of the basic skills needed to be a successful student in the online learning environment. As a working adult, your life as student will undergo a radical change, so don't just imagine yourself on a great job later on, live your life daily as though you are working in the field, read books pertaining to your desired field, watch training videos of the field of study your interested in, this will help you to keep abreast of any new developments in your field. There tons of free training tutorials on the internet. Search the web and make a listing of your favorites and utilize the free training on the internet.

I prefer interactive training DVD's. I've purchased some training CD-rom's to help me learn Microsoft Word at an affordable price, I love the fact that the video can paused and replayed so If I missed anything or If someone interrupts my study I can resume my studies later on with no problems. Preparing yourself for the online environment is important for the adult learner. Practicing training can help to get you up to speed before you enroll for class. Remember e-mailing will be your best friend when taking an online class, so definitely brush-up on your e-mail etiquette.


Art Education for Children With Learning Disabilities

There are a large number of students who have difficulty learning material using traditional teaching methods. Learning disabilities vary from mild forms such as attention deficit disorder to more severe disabilities like autism and mental retardation. Incorporating art into the curriculum of students with learning disabilities can be a useful tool. Students with disabilities are not students who are incapable of learning but instead are students who may need material presented to them using alternative methods. Methods that incorporate art can be very successful for these children.

Many students with disabilities are separated from regular students for either part of all of the school day. These students spend a great deal of time focusing on remedial skills and learning new skills to help them catch up with the rest of the class. For students with learning disabilities the knowledge that they are not able to function at the same level as other students can be very discouraging. Introducing these students to art classes can offer them the opportunity to do something creative where success is not measured by the same standards as in regular academics. The feeling of succeeding at something can provide these students with self-worth and confidence that can carry over into other areas of study. Allowing children to be involved with art related activities also encourages creativity, problem solving skills, motor skills and other skills that are useful in all areas of academics like math, science and language.

Art lessons can be combined with traditional lessons and used as a teaching tool for these students. Children that have difficulty with verbal expression will often have more success by expressing themselves through art. Practicing expression through art may translate to better overall communication skills. Teaching math and science lessons that are hands on art based lessons also tend to hold a student's interest more than traditional lecture lessons. Sometimes just holding a student's attention is half the battle especially for students with attention deficit disorder. Activities that encourage drawing and painting can help students learn about shapes, contrast and spatial relationships. Teachers can implement lessons that use these art activities to teach basic math skills like geometry and various other math techniques. Another interesting way to teach history involves having students create plays that focus on historical events. This method can help students internalize the material as oppose to just memorizing facts from a textbook.

Teachers are often allowed to use alternative methods to assess a students skill set in a certain area when teaching a student with disabilities. Allowing students to create art projects that reflect their understanding of a concept can be a useful alternative to a traditional test. Allowing students to express creativity and learn about concepts using alternative methods is essential to development for those students who struggle in traditional settings. There are a multitude of resources available for educators who want to implement these techniques in the classroom. These methods can be useful for both students who are learning disabled and regular students. Implementation of these methods may help enable students with disabilities spend more time in a general education setting which is beneficial to their overall education. The benefits of education through art are numerous and should be implemented in the classroom whenever possible.


Continuing Education for Older Adults

Many young people look forward to getting out of school and think that they will never even have any desire to go back. However, many people do feel that it is necessary to continue on with education once they are older, and this article can tell you all about continuing education for older adults and why it is important.Going back to school is a huge decision to make at any age. However, it can provide many benefits at any age. For example, if you are looking to make more money, taking the appropriate courses can help you increase your salary or help you get promoted. For people who want to change careers, getting another degree or learning new skills is a great way to do this.

Editor's Note: In this depressed economy, going back to school may be one of the most important moves you can make. If you're unemployed or looking for a career change, you might want to consider working for the energy efficiency industry. Building energy auditing is becoming one of the fastest growing sector in the Green industry. You simply need to obtain your BPI certification in order to get involved in this highly demanding job market.

If you no longer work, there are others reasons for wanting to go back to school. Learning new things is a great way to improve yourself and occupy your time with things that you love. You may even be able to meet new people and socialize through the classes that you take. Learning can be a very fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

You may be worried that going back to school will feel strange or that you will be completely out of place. However, many people go back and it is common for people of all ages to enroll in classes.

If you do not wish to attend courses on a campus or if you do not like the idea of having to travel to classes, you can now take courses online. Online courses are available in all kinds of subjects, ranging from the arts and sciences to mathematics and cooking.

With continuing education for older adults, you can learn a wealth of new skills, meet new people, or fulfill a long time dream of learning something that you did not have the chance to learn before. Be sure to look into all of your options and choose the right course for yourself.

Special Education in Ireland's Secondary Schools

This article is an introduction to special education in Irish secondary schools. The past then years have witnessed a sea change in special education provision in Ireland. The Department of Education and Science has issued numerous directives and guidelines in relation to policy, provision, structure and supports. Since 1998 there have been ten pieces of legislation passed through the Dail that relate, one way or another to children and special education needs The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has been established along with the Special Education Support Service (SESS). Both these organisations oversee and coordinate all special education initiatives nationwide. Ireland's primary schools have pioneered these new directives. Special education provision at primary level is developing at a rapid pace and great strides are being made. The next horizon for improvement is secondary school.

Ireland's secondary schools are driven by an exam-oriented curriculum. Subject area specialists teach all of the curricular content. The supports available to children with special needs are not extensive or as tested as those at primary level. In what follows we will look at the needs and entitlements of children entering secondary school who have identified special education needs and those who are entering and later discovered to have a special education need.

My child has been receiving extra help in primary school. What should I look for in a secondary school?

You should look for a school with a special education teacher in place on a full-time basis to support all children with special needs in the school. It is important to also be sure the school has a commitment to supporting and educating children with special needs. The school should have on its staff teachers who have had some training in how to differentiate their methodology and curriculum for children with special needs. There should be an accepting attitude on the part of all staff. Remember, your child is entitled to enter fully into the life of the school and avail of all it has to offer. How do you find out these things? Talk to the school principal and ask questions about the topics listed above. Remember, your child may be eligible for special consideration at the time of Junior Cert and Leaving Cert but this will have to be determined about a year before these exams will be taken.

What is s/he entitled to?

A child who has been receiving special education resources or support in primary school is eligible for continued support at secondary level so long as they continue to have a special education need. It is possible that a primary school child, after receiving several years of support, could no longer be deemed to have a special education need but this is the exception not the rule.

Your child will be entitled to the same general provision he or she received in primary school. Typically this takes the form of specialist teaching from a Learning Support or Special Education Resource teacher (both are now often being referred to simply as Special Education teachers. This support is to be determined based on need with the number of hours of support being determined by the Individual Education Plan (IEP) drawn up in the last year of primary school. In addition to the IEP there should have been a Transition Plan completed during the last year of primary school The Transition Plan will devise the structure of transition to secondary school and may alter the IEP for a short period of time. If this happens there should be a team meeting in about six months or less to write the secondary school IEP. In general students in secondary school are eligible for the same supports as in primary school. This may include a Special Needs Assistant (SNA).

How do I go about making sure they get that?

Generally speaking your child's Individual Education Plan is the map which documents exactly what services your child will receive, when he or she will receive them and from whom. The IEP is your best protection against a child not receiving the services they need. IEP's will eventually become legally binding documents on all parties and a school must provide the services outlined in the IEP. An IEP cannot be changed or implemented without your consent. Remember that upon entering secondary school a Transition Plan may be in place that slightly alters the previous IEP. This will have to be reviewed within a short span of time to be sure the child receives appropriate support services. Don't be afraid to talk to the school principal because he or she is ultimately responsible to see to it that children receive the services they are entitled to receive.

What are my options if we run into difficulties?

Should problems arise you should first speak to the Year Head and address your concerns. The Special Needs Organiser (SENO) assigned to the school should be alerted as well as the appropriate special education teacher(s). A team meeting, of which you are entitled to be a member, can be convened within a reasonable time frame and your concerns will be discussed. If this meeting does not satisfy you or not result in the child receiving the services you may contact the National Council for Special Education for further information and support.

It is important to take things one step at a time. Speak to your child's special education teacher first and be clear about your concerns. Be assertive and not aggressive. Remember, generally speaking everyone is doing the best they can. Do have your child's IEP in front of you when you are speaking to the teacher or other staff member. Be aware of your rights to appeal as outlined in the NCSE and SESS websites. Don't rush to judgement, try and work things out amicably before you make threats to appeal. The next most important port of call will be the Special Needs Organiser assigned to the school.

Hidden Disabilities

Not all children who have special education needs come to the attention of parents or educators in primary school. The human brain is an organ that tries to meet the demands placed upon it at any given time. As anyone who has gone to school knows, the demands of the curriculum get greater and greater each year of schooling. In secondary school the curriculum subjects become incredibly complex each year. The fact that a student is being educated by many different teachers each year further complicates matters. There are students who have had no difficulty suggestive of a special education need at primary school who suddenly seem to have a lot of difficulties in secondary school. Unfortunately they are often perceived as "lazy" or "unmotivated" and sometimes as "difficult" students.

If these labels stick and no thought or concern raised about a possible learning difficulty being present the student can become trapped in a cycle of failure and rejection by teachers. The result could be early school leaving, behaviour difficulties to hide the learning problem, lowered self-esteem, loss of self-confidence and trouble at home. It is important to recognise that some students, no matter how well they performed in primary school, may have a special education need that doesn't appear until secondary school.

What are the warning signs?

It is not possible to list the many warning signs of a hidden disability but generally speaking one should be considered any time a student with a previously successfully record in primary school begins to exhibit difficulties in secondary school. There are a variety of causes to school failure at second level but a hidden disability can often be reasonably suspected when one or more of the following difficulties become noticeable:

oMemory problems

oOrganisational difficulties

oRefusal to go to school

oProblems with written language expression

oDifficulty organising thoughts into speech

oInability to recall facts from yesterday's lesson even if they seemed retained the night before

oUnusual spelling problems

oUnusual difficulty with more advanced mathematical problems

oPronounced difficulty in foreign language class

oBehavioural difficulties not present in primary school

oMood swings or sudden mood changes that last several hours

oReluctance to engage with parents about school difficulties

Although a partial list it is a good guide for parents and teachers to thoughtfully consider the presence of a hidden learning disability.

I think my child may have a problem. Where do I go from here?

First speak with your child's teachers. Ask for the facts: what does teacher think the problem might be? How often is this occurring? When? Is it serious? Present your own perception to the teacher(s) clearly and succinctly. If you have done some Internet homework on your own be clear about it and raise it as a query needing to be resolved. Try and get some samples from homework you have seen and ask for some samples of the child's work in class if it is appropriate to do so. Speak to the Year Head and ask him or her to get some information about your concerns from all teachers. See if you can spot a pattern that validates your concern.

If you become more concerned then you have a right to ask for an assessment. Sometimes the special education teacher, with your permission, can perform some individually administered tests to discover if the child is seriously behind in reading or math achievement age. It is possible to discover if there are significant written language deficits in some cases. If this assessment leads to more significant concerns then you should request a psychological assessment. These can be provided free by the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) but be mindful that a lengthy waiting list may be in place.

The most important thing is to be persistent and to talk to the right people. Begin with teachers, speak to Year Head, go to Principal if necessary and don't forget the Special Education Needs Organiser (SENO). If an assessment is carried out there will be a team meeting to discuss the results and to begin the process of writing an IEP.

In the case of a diagnosis, where do we go from here?

If your child is found to have a special education need an IEP should be written. This is, as stated previously, a road map to your child's education plan. It should be reviewed annually but can be reviewed more frequently if it is decided to do so. The special education team, often referred to as a multidisciplinary team, will be responsible for writing the IEP. You are a member of that team. Your child is also entitled to be a member of the team and it is particularly important for secondary school students to participate in this stage of planning. This gives them a sense of ownership and control over their educational life.

Be sure that the plan covers all the areas of concern that have been discovered in the assessment process. Plans for children with social and behavioural difficulties that address only academic issues are useless and doomed to fail. Special education planning is a thoughtful and time-consuming process when it is done correctly. Don't feel rushed into accepting a plan you don't think will work. Take it away and ask if you can return in a week to revise it with the team. This may not make you the most popular parent in the school but it is responsible parenting.

Possible Panels:

Autism/Asperger's in Secondary School

There are large numbers of children with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder that are having considerable difficulty finding a secondary school to enrol them. The problem revolves around the lack of supports at second level and the lack of teacher training in this speciality area. Unfortunately there is little that can be done if a school refuses to enrol a child on the autistic spectrum. What is needed is the development of resource support. By that I mean resource rooms where these children can get services by a specialist teacher. Availability to the teachers of advanced training. Availability of print and video resources teachers can access to learn more about the spectrum. Along with this there should be a whole-school commitment to inclusion for children on the spectrum so they are not isolated from same-age peers.

The education of children on the spectrum is not that difficult once educators get the knowledge about how to do it and have the proper attitude towards these children and their families. Of course they present us with challenges but the good news is that once we get it reasonably right for them we begin to improve the education of all children. There are considerable challenges in the future to our secondary schools in education these children and it is time to get it right. Those schools which stubbornly refuse to enrol children on the spectrum are in the stone age of education. There is a clear choice for secondary schools in relation to these children: be in the forefront of change and development or be left behind forever. Parents will not forgive or forget. It's time to get it right once and for all.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects about 5% of all children and adults. Unlike other special education conditions, children and adolescents with ADHD are frequently blamed for having the condition, perceived as hostile or unmotivated, lazy or cheeky. When ADHD goes untreated it becomes a serious condition affecting self-esteem, motivation, behaviour, self-confidence and relationships with adults and peers. ADHD is a high-stakes condition and it needs to be recognised that students who have it didn't choose to be the way they are.

ADHD is a condition that is caused by brain chemistry and activity. It is a neurobiological condition. People with ADHD often have difficulty paying attention and concentrating, especially on things that require sustained attention and concentration. The can have problems controlling their emotions and impulses, can rush to finish things or have considerable difficulty waiting their turn. They often ask questions without thinking them through and sometimes make unfortunate comments in front of others.

ADHD is a life-long condition. One never grows out of it but the symptom picture changes over time. Often the impulsivity and high level of activity, if they were initially present, disappear in the teen years. The learning problems associated with ADHD do not go away easily and it is vitally important for them to be addressed in school. As in the case of children on the autistic spectrum, once educators and schools get it correct for children with ADHD they have improved the educational provision of all children.

Understanding is critically important. Adolescents with significant ADHD do not chose to be in trouble with and in conflict with adults. Constant rejection and criticism, constant punishment, and in severe cases expulsion from school is not the answer. Corrective teaching is the answer and appropriate support from specialist teachers is vital.


The Importance of Continuing Education for Psychologists

Continuing education for psychologists is available in many forms and its importance cannot be overstated. Not only is it necessary in many states to renew the license to practice, it is of paramount importance for any mental health professional to stay current on the latest methods and research in his or her chosen field. As with any science, psychology isn't a static field. There are always new ideas being added and old ones being dismissed. It is a living, breathing body of knowledge and any therapist who ignores the new in favor of the old does so at not only their own peril, but that of their patients.

When it comes to state requirements for continuing education for psychologists, the differences are vast. It is important for any therapist to learn what the requirements are for their own license renewal and meet those requirements in ways that are acceptable. Some states may have specific subject areas they want their psychologists to become more familiar with. For instance, in Florida and some other states, the Department of Health demands that their licenses be updated with additional classes in domestic violence. Other states may have an emphasis on drug abuse or suicidal behavior.

In addition to various requirements, continuing education for psychologists takes a number of different forms. Online learning is more popular now than it ever has been in the past. Students can learn through e-courses, taking seminars from online video, and interact with others who are trying to assimilate the same material. Of course, not everyone is comfortable with online learning and there is still plenty of opportunity for those people to further their education as well. In person courses and seminars are held all the time in every state and there are DVDs and book-based courses for those who prefer working on their own.

The benefits of continuing education for psychologists, of course, goes beyond simply fulfilling requirements to renew a license. It is vital to the survival and growth of the field in general. You wouldn't purchase a piece of technology from the mid-70s and call it state of the art. While technology grows at a rapid pace, so do the sciences. In order to make sure you are providing your patients with the very best care and treatment possible, you have to be up on your field. That means reading the journals, attending seminars, and networking with your fellow psychotherapists. A well connected and informed therapist is a successful one.


The Best Forex Education For Beginners

There are many options available to get an education trading the forex. A new trader can quickly get overwhelmed by all the information available on the internet. There are all kinds of opinions about what are the best techniques and strategies you should learn. When looking at all these sources it's easy for a beginner to become paralyzed by too much information to choose from. So what is the best forex education for beginners?
There are as many opinions as there are traders who will give conflicting advice as to what strategies and techniques you should be learning. This is what most traders spend their energy on, pursuing that one perfect technique, that one strategy that will make them money. That's why most traders end up spinning their wheels and never see the profits that are available from the forex. As a beginning trader you shouldn't concern yourself too much with techniques and strategies. The best forex education for beginners is education that will focus on you becoming a good consistent disciplined trader.

Until you can become an effective trader yourself, all the techniques in the world are not going to do you any good. Most new traders will continually learn one system and then move onto the next because the previous one didn't work. It's usually not that the system didn't work, it was that the trader wasn't being consistent working the system.

As a beginner you should be doing your trading on a demo account. Find one or maybe two trading systems that you like and just concentrate on trading the system with consistency. Work on not allowing your emotions to affect your trading decisions. Don't worry about whether your demo makes a profit or not. This is just practice time, the goal is not to make money yet, the goal is to become a consistent disciplined trader.

Whether it takes several months or a year or more keep your focus on consistency. After you develop that then you can start working on getting a system that will make you money. Until then if you want to make money you will be better off using automated expert advisor software. This software also called a robot will trade a system for you. Many of them have built in time tested systems that are known to make a profit. These programs don't have emotions or bad habits to overcome. They just trade the system consistently.

You can learn a lot by watching a good robot trade and make a lot of money in the process. If you are interested in trading manually and want the best forex education for beginners, focus your education on yourself and your trading habits first until you become a good trader. If you want to make money now get a robot.

Education for Sustainable Development for Child Education and Schools

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a rather new field of education. We can see it as an innovative kind of future education for schools linking the child's development with the future challenges of society.I don't think that education for sustainable development is just another buzzword forgotten in a few years. From a global perspective as well as a local perspective we have to direct education toward what will be truly useful for each child and for each society in the future.To have a fulfilling life should be within reach for all children whereever they are born. In too many parts of society and of the world children grow up in hazardous environments with very poor conditions for basic requirements and bleak prospects for their future.Education for Sustainable Development is derived from the Brundtland report's focus on Sustainable Development (SD). The Brundtland report requires fundamental changes in the society and its institutions, in politics and in our individual family life styles. Economic development cannot be separated from social development and a concern for the environment.

ESD for child development Educational research can tell us a lot of how to make use of education for sustainable development for child development.

The most important fact might be that ESD is an excellent frame for the empowerment of children. When we respect each individual child for its ideas and opinion, and at the same time bring the child into challenging learning situations we facilitate empowerment of the child.

Developing self esteem and empowerment goes hand in hand in education for sustainable development. A proper self esteem is such an important part of successful child development.

Another important fact is that ESD is a productive frame for meaningful learning. Opposite to rote learning and the acquisition of facts without much understanding meaningful learning situations help the child to engage fully in the teaching. By working with real problems the child can develop much better understanding of concepts and skills from the schools core curriculum in a meaningful context. The key to that is the opportunity to use and reflect on these 'traditional' ingredients of classic schooling in the meaningful contexts derived from the focus on sustainable development.

Education for sustainable development and schools Some schools have focused on the beautification of their school environment. This might help the school's prestige in the local society but it isn't helpful for education for sustainable development unless it happens as the students' project.

Similarly some schools have put a lot of emphasis in making the school buildings more 'green' with solar power panels, recycling systems, water conservation measures and tree planting around the school. Again, such initiatives are only valuable for the learning of the students if they are planned as student projects. You cannot evaluate the quality of a school's work with education for sustainable development from a picture of the school.

Concerning a better approach to ESD, headmaster and teachers should ask questions like: - How can we challenge students' thinking on the future and how to make use of parts of the core curriculum in a meaningful way in combination? - How can we teachers cooperate to create stimulating activities and plan the teaching in such a way that the self-esteem of the students will benefit from it? - How can we help students to investigate local people's concern for the future and how to make sense of such results? - How can we help students to try to make a difference according to their wishes and visions?

Education for sustainable development will gain increasing publicity as the picture of environmental degradation, energy shortage, climate change, increasing poverty mixed with increasing wealth and the overall picture of globalization becomes more evident.

'We cannot blame our children for these issues but it is our duty to educate them to be able to cope with such complex and controversial issues and to live a decent life with a belief that it is possible for everybody to make a difference to the better.

Safety Education For Kids and Teens

I thought I was knowledgeable about the dangers our children face in our crazy mixed up world. After all I raised five special needs children as a single parent after my wife passed away. It was not until I read some articles about the dangers facing our children on the internet that I realized I was only seeing the tip of the iceberg.Safety education for kids and teens is critical and should be on the top of every parent to do list. Parents must take action immediately to assure the safety of our kids not only on the internet but in other life events as well.

Here are some really frightening statistics from law enforcement agencies:

*When your child enters a chat room and engages in conversation with someone there is a 50% probability that the stranger they are talking to is a pedophile pretending to be a child.

*At any time you are on the internet there are over 5 million pedophiles online with you.

*Your child can gain instant access to 1.8 billion pornographic websites.

*Even if your child has no interest in porn sites there is a 25% chance your child will still be exposed to pornographic images without warning while surfing the net.

*Around 75% of our kids will share personal information over the internet that could cause them or their family to be at risk.

*33% of our children will be subjected to cyber bullying, a serious danger on the internet.

*41% of cyber bullying victims will not tell friends, family, or teachers about the incidents and will keep the pain and depression they are experiencing to themselves, sometimes resulting in suicide (Bullycide is the new term).

*Online predators target kids 14 and older 77% of the time. 22% are between 10 and 13 years of age.
So we take a sigh of relief when they shut off the computer and go outside to socialize.

Then I see that according to statistics from another source violent crime statistics:

*47 murders as a daily average are committed!

*257 reported forced rapes as a daily average are committed!

*1142 reported robberies as a daily average are committed!

*2364 reported aggravated assaults as a daily average are committed!

Like most statistical data found in research the stats above are a few years old. Ask yourself if you think things have gotten better or worse over the past few years? I thought you would say that and I agree that things have gotten worse.

With all of this in mind we must figure out a way to provide safety education for kids and teens. It is not an easy task.

A parent must judge at what stage of development each child they have is in and tailor the education towards that level of understanding. There is a fine line as to how much information to give a child who is functioning on the level of an 8 year old and the information you would give a child operating at a level of a 15 year old.

Goal of Every Civil Society - Education For All

Education is the best gift that a parent can give to his/her child because it will enable the child to carve a future for him/herself. The child will have the power in his/her hands to decide his or her future. In other words, educating the children means empowering them.Those of us who are lucky enough to complete our education, not only school education but college as well, don't realize, how lucky we are. How much power do we have in our hands? We choose which professional field to work in or in other words decide our future for ourselves. One can add various arguments like we too fall in the rat race to earn a living, in order to be alive we fulfill the basic need, that's why we study hard and choose a profession and other arguments. But the question that such people raising such questions need to ask is: what is the difference between a kid going to school and a kid working at food stall or begging?

When one starts analyzing from this point of view then will one understand that the kid going to school is on his/her way to lead a life of dignity as a grown up person whereas the circumstances has not allowed the kid working at footstall or begging other than this. That kid had no choice to choose a living; he/she had to do this to keep on living, to support the family in meeting both the ends meet. That's the big difference that needs to be filled up.

A civil society must work towards up-liftment of such kids who are denied the gift of education because of cruel circumstances. But that should not be done through gimmick charity works like distributing clothes, free food etc on occasions to commemorate something. Something substantial needs to be done. Charity works like these are kind of providing a blanket to have protection for sometime. Charity organizations need to work for child welfare programs which work towards providing quality education to poor children who will remain uneducated otherwise. Providing the school will not be enough to bring them to school as they won't be able to bear the other expenses for books stationary, travel. So other facilities like these needs to be provided for free, along with free education.

Envisioning this mission in mind, Baba Amar Singhji opened, Guru Nanak Garib Niwaj Education Society in 2006. This society works towards developing child development programs to provide free education and all other facilities like stationery, medicinal facilities, free bus service etc. to poor children to support them in their education. Make your contributions in this noble work started by this society to provide a life of dignity to the poor children who may not get to enjoy the gift of education otherwise.

College Education For Single Moms

An education is an important thing for anybody. Without a college education, even a high school education, there are very few jobs out there that will offer you the financial stability needed for your future. An education for single moms is especially important because not only do you have to fend for yourself financially, but you also have one or maybe more children to take care of. Juggling a job and trying to take care of the children at the same time can be a daunting process, and it is imperative that you find a way to get an education.It is probably true that if you are a single mom, getting an education is something that you really want, but probably do not have time nor the money. There are special educational grants, scholarships, and other financial resources that are out there, but they will not come to you, you have to go out there and find them. Go online or talk to a financial aid officer at your local school and you'll be able to find a program that will fit into your budget, if not your time. There are also some community colleges who offer free shopping opportunities for prospective students. If you find that your local college does not offer the services, there are several government programs that will pay a partial or full amount of child care while you are attending school.

An education for single moms is very important. And only when you get the career that you want, will you have a more secure future in which to raise your child. You'll also be a role model for your child as they become older. A child of the college graduated mother is more likely to go to college themselves than if their mother had a high school graduate education or GED.

Time management is your biggest issue after your finances are covered. How can any woman manage a child, a household, an education, and a job? It can be done with the right management. Join a network of other single moms that have alternative schedules. You can take care of their children while they are at school and you can have your child taken care of while you are in school. If there is not a single mom network within your college, create one. Put up flyers and have a meeting. You'll find that there are a lot of people in your situation that have the same difficulties with finances and time management that you do.

Use family members if they are available. Take advantage of the opportunity without taking advantage of the people around you. Show them that you're responsible and that you want to have an education. They should understand that you know an education for single moms is a must if you are to have a financially secure family. Sit down and talk with your family and say to them that you want to graduate from college to make your life better and your child's life better. Tell them that once you have a job and graduate from college that you will reciprocate all the assistance, love and the understanding, and maybe the finances that they give you.

Career Education For Teaching - What Do You Need to Do to Become a Teacher?

There are a lot of career choices that you can make when you are trying to decide on your future. However, when you want career education for teaching there are a lot of places that you can get it. Career education for teaching is something that you will have to really be committed to. Otherwise, it will not be easy to complete career education teaching.

When you want career education for teaching you will need to decide where you want to get your education from. You can go to a college or a university to get the career education that you need. They have many programs available that you will need to look into. Depending on the type of teaching that you want to do will depend on the type of training that you need.

You can also go online and find career education teaching programs that you can take from the comfort of your own home. This will be a little harder for some people. You need to be a self motivator in order to do this. There won't be an instructor available to tell you what needs to be done and to make sure that you do it. This will all be on your shoulders.

No matter where you want to get your career education teaching from there are other things that you need to do before you start any program. You need to figure out which type of teaching you want to do. Do you want to be a kindergarten teacher, middle school teacher, high school teacher or maybe a college professor? No matter what kind of teacher you want to be you will have to know ahead of time what you want to do.

This is important to know because the career education teaching that you want will depend on what you want to do when you get out of college. You will need to have the right career education for teaching before you will be able to get the job that you want. You can do some research online to figure out what you want to do and what it will require of you. This is something that a lot of people don't think about. They get themselves into trouble later on when they take classes that they don't need. So take the time to figure out what it is that you want to do before you do anything.

Career education for teaching can be found at colleges, universities and even online. You need to make sure that you know what it is that you want to teach so that you can find the right Career Education Teaching program for you. This is very important to do before you start any education program.


The Best Education For an Entrepreneur

A good number of people are of the opinion that a business school is the most suitable, thus a pre-requisite. Their opinion stands on the fact that you learn from the teachers or resource persons who are authorities in their field of business. This kind of education will make a budding entrepreneur know the applicable right question and also acquire a standard certification.Another school of taught is of the opinion that a budding entrepreneur would need general education, the kind that you learn everything you need to know on the job. This kind of education is taught via street smartness, ability to combine multiple actions, working perfectly under pressure, leading people who are more knowledgeable than them, finding answers that are not only right but those that will work. Lastly, generalised education will make one know who and how things will be done better and faster.

The two kinds of education when combined will be the best for the budding entrepreneur of today. Such will make him balanced, a little to the left and a little to the right. Any given real entrepreneur need to know the basic workings of his organization especially those areas that are key to the running of the business. So the much needed education will be the one to make them a pro-active leader who thinks and acts fast as at when due.

A look at the number of entrepreneurs of today shows that many are not whiz kids at school. Also less academics are among the leading business owners of the century. What could make most drop outs better business owners than the whiz kids? They are in business doing what they know how to do. They never based all they know from classroom tutorials, rather school smart prodigies are brought in by them to fix some challenges for a fee and leave as soon as possible. They also back business with passion and fun. One can say that many of them acts on their instincts as the businesses are on course.

The best education for a budding entrepreneur remains learning while on the job. There you will easily know what will work and what will not.

Cash Loan Online - Proper Education For All

Sending children to school is one of the responsibilities that parents should do. The problem is that there are no enough funds for education. Oftentimes, parents forced their children to work after they finished high school. Most of them concluded that there is no need to study in order to eat. Absolutely insane! As you can see, the quality of education becomes lower and lower yet the competition among graduates is high. Obviously, how can you find a stable job if you're just a high school graduate? If money is the problem, there are instant options like cash loan to help us overcome cash crisis.
There are a lot of stories about instant loans. Some have used the funds to pay their past dues bills. Others used it in medication. But hey, is it really possible to use the money to pay your child's tuition fee? The answer is a resounding yes. We all know that earning money is getting tougher and tougher as years move on. Although, we parents have a stable job it's truly difficult to manage all our expenses. Plus the fact that money losses its purchasing powers year by year.

A program made to wipe emergencies out
Instant options like online cash loan are truly intended for unplanned expenses. While waiting for the next pay check to arrive, you can start signing up for a loan application and wait for the approval. But why need to wait when you can get the money as soon as today? With instant loans, you can support your child's education. Not just the tuition fees but also all other requirements in schools such as uniform, books, rentals etc.

Education is an investment. Of course, you need the money to repay the amount you've borrowed. There is the so-called interest charge though. As a qualified debtor, you are allowed to borrow up to $5000 (with the interest rate of 15-25%). Apart from the interest charge, there is the so called APR or Annual Percentage Rate. By definition, APR is described as the interest charge for the whole year, which can grow up to 780%.
As a qualified loan applicant, you should understand that rates are higher compare to retail outlets and other banking institutions. However, by reading loan quotes and comparing prices, it's not impossible to find great deals. When applying for instant loan like cash loan, it is also advisable to search for a reliable provider.

Don't just rely on prices. Also, beware of hidden ticketing costs upon claiming the amount you're requesting for. More importantly, read and understand the fine print before signing up for a loan. With instant loans, you can rest assure that your child will have a better tomorrow!

Higher Education For All Students

The U.S has created one of the best systems of higher education which has produced marvelous scientific breakthroughs and has also fueled the economy. It has also ensured the cultural vitality of our society. The system has educated millions of learners. Access to higher education has offered wonderful prospects for societal and economic mobility.But all Americans have not benefited from this system. Mainly the learners from small income families and minority groups are still inadequately served at all the levels of education.

What happened to scholarships?

Over the past two decades a striking culture change has taken place in America. More or less it was taken for granted that higher education was a public good. And now a well-educated population is no longer regarded universally as offering collective benefits to our community, our state, or our nation. Instead, higher education is more and more considered a private good that profits largely the individual who receives the degree.

Many colleges play the admissions game by changing their recruitment strategies to attract more students than those who have a strong academic profile. As a result, the average amount of a scholarship awarded by public and private colleges and universities to students in the highest income quartile exceeds the average amount of a an award provided to students in the lowest income quartile. This gap in scholarship awards has grown over time. In a nut shell, as the colleges and universities have grown increasingly selective, they have irrationally turned away African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans and also the students from low-income families.

Provide teachers with tools

The main thing is to retain our education system without sacrificing our economy. For that we should build up self discipline and provide teachers with the tools needed. We must also ensure that the teachers are well equipped with the knowledge of the subject which they are teaching. Studies have shown the data that the U.S has the lowest high school graduation rate all over the world. And in case we are competing in a knowledge based economy we must provide our trainers with more resources.

The key to achievement in anything and everything one does is knowledge and understanding, and if the task is done without detailed understanding and knowledge then one cannot be prepared for higher "University" based education. And the education level has a major role in deciding whether our future will do well in today's aggressive marketplace or not. Such dispute and problem will continue until addressed.

Obama's Plan to Ensure Education For All in America - Learn About His Mothers' Scholarship Program

American President, Barack Obama has introduced a new scholarship for all the mothers of the country who dearly miss their higher education. There are millions of single mothers in America who find it difficult to manage their lives and family primarily because they don't have a good job. The effect of this is that such mothers have to work 2 and sometimes even 3 jobs just to ensure that their kids have something to eat.President Obama has realized that by educating all these mothers he can help keep millions of those jobs in the country that are currently being outsourced because of the lack of skilled workforce. The scholarship offered by the President is a great mean for these mothers to go back to school to fulfill their dream of a college degree that will not only give them education and satisfaction but will also enable them to get a job that's as much as 5 times more paying than their current one.

There is no time-consuming application process. If you want to apply for this scholarship, all you need to do is just fill in the FASFA form. This form is readily available at all the universities and schools colleges that are participating in this scholarship drive. In additional, online form filling is also an option.

For mothers who have young babies and so it's hard for them to leave them unattended, there are special online courses and degree programs being introduced by several universities.

So now neither money nor time can stop you from getting higher education. This is your chance. Don't let it pass by.